Manhunt 2 psp
Manhunt 2 psp

That's not nearly as easy to pull off in Manhunt 2, thanks to the introduction of quick time events that are triggered by searching hunters in your general vicinity.

manhunt 2 psp

However, in the first game, a player could distract some enemies and immediately head into the shadows for safety. Much of this is handled through the use of sound, either by throwing objects to draw someone's attention to a location so you can strike with their back turned, or using a USB headset to make noises to draw them from their friends.

manhunt 2 psp

As a result, you'll need to stick to the shadows and time your attacks on your targets when they don't expect it, splitting up packs of enemies and preying on the unsuspecting as soon as possible. Stealth is still by far the most important facet of the game, since your characters aren't tanks or fully capable of holding their own in a one on one fight.

manhunt 2 psp

In fact, the asylum is much more of a training stage, where you learn most of the game's mechanics, such as learning the ins and outs of the radar system, alert status of possible enemies and stealth kills. I say first level, because you don't remain on the grounds of the asylum for very long. While this initial meeting is somewhat disorienting, it's rather apparent that this is intentional to fit with the situation Danny and Leo find themselves in, and adds to the atmosphere of the first level. Without explaining any further backstory or introductions, you're suddenly introduced to the two main characters, Daniel Lamb and Leo Kasper. The staff and administration is quickly overrun as the inmates seek their revenge against their caretakers, with chaos striking every hallway and cell. Of course, this treatment can only go so far before karma retributively strikes back, and one dark night, a power outage strikes the asylum, resulting in the release of the inmates. This is obviously a place that's gone horribly wrong, with doctors and orderlies preferring to beat the patients rather than treat them and their mental issues.

manhunt 2 psp

The game immediately starts with a flashing montage of action at the Dixmor Insane Asylum.

Manhunt 2 psp